During our pregnancy, we sometimes get confused as to which foods should be consumed and which are the ones we should restrict ourselves to. This list should come to good use for moms not aware of the certain culprit foods which should be avoided and why.
Firstly, understand why certain foods should be avoided:
The complications are even more now as your body changes and your immune system, now make you more vulnerable to food-borne illnesses. The foods which caused you tender illness when you weren't pregnant could mean higher risk and the chances of miscarriages to dehydration and other complications..
Eggs: foods which contain completely cooked eggs have less or no risk at all. Foods which have either the yellow or white half-cooked or raw make their way into the risk list, because raw eggs may be tainted with a bacterium called salmonella and the intake of foods like egg-nog, raw cookie dough, etc.. could cause your tummy a diarrhea, or a fever and vomiting.
Fish: fish which contain the omega-3 fatty acids are fine to consume because it helps in the development of your baby’s brain. Fishes that contain high levels of methyl-mercury, a pollutant that can affect baby's nervous system should be avoided. For e.g. the swordfish, shark, and tile fish or any species which live for longer span of life because of the accumulated mercury in their bodies. You can limit your intake of fish at all costs because most species contain traces of mercury that can be harmful to the fetus.
Sushi: sushi may contain illness-inducing inducing parasites which is not safe while you're pregnant.
Unpasteurized Juice: while some brands of milk and juices sold at the stores are pasteurized, some may not. It would be a good to read the labels before you purchase them. Juices sold at the farms may not be pasteurized.
Note: Pasteurization is a process that helps kill the bacteria and toxins.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Foods to avoid during pregnancy and why it is harmful
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Know about your babys movements and how to keep track on them
Movements of your infant in your womb can’t compare to most of the excitement before this moment but there some important things you need to know regarding the movements and your baby's safety.
Movements are not likely to be felt until 16 to 22 weeks of your pregnancy. Even though the fetal has been moving earlier you would notice it only if you’ve had an ultra sound.
Some women feel like popcorn popping, or a jumping goldfish or butterflies fluttering. The movements are most likely to be noticed while lying down or sitting still and not until it’s on a regular basis, as earlier, you wouldn’t be able to differentiate gas, hunger pangs from real movement of the baby.
Beginning the kicks wouldn’t be definite. Some days there couldn’t be movements quicker or slighter, while some days are even unnoticeable but even though the kicks are there. The second trimester would be way easier for you to tell as they get stronger and regular.
Understand that all women are different, so are the patterns of movements or activity of their babies. If your baby’s movements differ from theirs it’s not necessary that there could be a problem. A long as, there is not too much difference in your own baby’s pattern of movements, don’t worry he's just doing fine.
Keeping track of the kicking and movements are recommended, and if there is any movement which comes under curiosity then you should consult your doctor and also carry out some tests to check out the baby’s condition.
Its also recommended to check baby’s counts while in the third trimester. Choose a time, the baby’s activity is most at a certain time daily. If you do notice any difference in the kicks don’t hesitate to call your doctor, anytime.
Monday, 4 May 2009
How to treat bee stings and human bites on kids
You know, animals are a kids best friend.. regardless of the animal the kid as Innocent as it is would love to pet and get too close to animals. The risks can be when a kid encounters a harmful animal like a bee, don't kids love catching butterflies? also, you go to the park and there's some dog comes running to target your kid. Here's a few tips to take some precaution or once the kids affected, the treatments below will do just fine.human bites: This bite could be equal to a dog or cats bite because of the bacteria from the mouth can be infectious and risky. wash the area with mild soap and water. If the skin is torn, wash gently with mild soap and water and bandage it with a gauze pad. If its bleeding, use a clean, dry cloth and press on the wound, to elevate it. call your doctor in case of excess bleeding or if its appears serious. He might have to stitch the wound but this could cause a higher risk of infection. Or else he might prescribe antibiotics or a tetanus booster shot to prevent infection. In the event that your child has a sever allergic reaction to a bee sting and you are visiting an emergency care facility be sure to check with your insurance carrier in advance of your visit so as to be sure your insurance covers the full cost. Sometimes cheap health insurance policies require advance notification or they will not cover medical treatment.
Bee stings: bee stings are painful and is likely to cause redness, swelling and itching to the skin. The treatment would depends on how worse the condition is. So check for stingers and if in the skin, remove them immediately and wash the area with soap and water. Check for allergic reactions. Apply ice wrapped inside a clothes for 20 minutes every hour on the wound, this would cause great relief. Consult for doctor is reactions worsen.
Insect bites- insect bites, common things in children as they are likely to affected with during the summer and spring seasons. Below, are treatments for various insect bites.Mosquito sites: mosquito bites are harmful, we all know that. As adults we can somehow manage to protect ourselves from these tiny insects, but kid esp babies, are eaten alive as soon as the skin is exposed to the mosquitoes. Protect your kids and babies by using an effective mosquito repellent at home. If in case, your child is affected by the bites, it appears red and swollen. Wash off the areas with cold water.
You can apply garlic, home made calamine lotion, salt, aloe vera, lemon juice, white vinegar.
These symptoms call for medical attention: breathing problems, weakness or unconsciousness, itching and hives, swelling near the delicate areas.
Ant bites: Take a pinch of salt and rub into the skin!
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Banana and orange recipe for pregnant moms
Spiced Banana Orange Smoothie
Serves: 2
The ginger gives this smoothie a kick.
1 medium banana, peeled and cut into chunks
1 large seedless orange, peeled and sliced
2 cups plain or vanilla-flavored soy milk
1 teaspoon powdered ginger
3 or 4 ice cubes
1. Place all ingredients except ice cubes in blender. Cover and blend on high speed for 15 seconds or until smooth.
2. Add ice cubes, cover and blend for 15 seconds more or until well blended.
3. Serve immediately.
Calories: 288
Fat: 5.2 g
Carbohydrates: 37.3 g
Protein: 12.5 g