Friday, 22 February 2008

home made recipes for baby between 6 to 9 months

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It's time to get creative! Your 6 to 9 month baby will be eager to try new foods now, and may even start to chew. Learn how to create meals that will please his tiny palate!

Fruith recipe:
Fruit baby food recipes - Sugar Free Applesauce

4-5 medium apples, peeled and cored - use naturally sweet varieties, such as:
Golden or Red Delicious
Pink Lady
Red Rome
pinch nutmeg or cinnamon

Chop the apples roughly and place in a saucepan.
Pour in about one inch of water - (you could use apple juice instead, but this will contain sugar).
Bring the apples to a boil, then reduce the heat.
Cover and simmer slowly until the apple chunks are tender (about 10-15 mins).
DON'T cook the apples to the point where the mixture actually looks like applesauce! Cooking it this long will cause it to be watery and tasteless.
Instead, remove the apple chunks from the pan and either puree them or mash them well. Thin with a little cooking water if necessary.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg and serve warm or - as a soothing treat for teething babies - nice and cold.

TIP: If you are going to freeze your baby's applesauce, DON'T add the spices before you freeze it, because they will lose their flavour.

And avoid applesauce altogether is your baby is constipated or prone to constipation, because it is very binding and will make the problem worse

Fruit baby food recipes - Banana Surprise

1 small ripe banana
2 large, ripe strawberries
a little breastmilk / formula

NOTE: Strawberries sometimes trigger allergic reactions in babies and you may prefer to avoid them for the first year, particularly if your baby is sensitive, or if there is a family history of food allergy.

Puree the strawberries.
Mash the banana with a fork, mixing in enough breastmilk / formula to achieve a creamy consistency.
Place in a bowl, then top with the pureed strawberries.
Serve immediately - bananas brown very quickly.

The sweetness of the banana blends well with the stronger flavour of the strawberries.

Vegetables recipe:
Vegetables / Vegetarian Baby Food Recipes - Cheese And Vegetable Supper

5tsp milk
4oz cottage cheese
2oz cooked peas
3oz cream cheese
1oz finely grated mild cheddar
1oz cooked carrots

Mix the cottage cheese, cream cheese, cheddar and milk together until well blended.
Stir in the hot, cooked vegetables.
Finish off with a little sprinkle of parmesan cheese

Vegetables / Vegetarian Baby Food Recipes - Wholesome Twice Baked Potatoes

1 large baking potato (I prefer to use red skinned potatoes - they have a creamier texture)
1oz butter
2 fl oz milk
3oz grated mild cheddar
1/2 tsp finely chopped fresh chives

Wash the potato, prick with a fork, then bake at 350 deg F, 180 deg C for about 1 1/2 hours, until the potato feels soft.
Remove from the oven and cut in half.
Scoop out the potato and place in a bowl, along with the milk, butter and most of the cheese.
Mash well.
Return the potato mixture to the skins, place on a cooking sheet and top with the remaining cheese.
Return to the oven and cook for a further 10-15 minutes, until the cheese has melted and is golden in colour.
Sprinkle with the chives.

pregnancy dos and donts

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There are plenty of restrictions for pregnant women. dont do this, dont do that, eat this, not that!! below is a handy list of the do's and dont's to help you have a healthy and safe journey towards motherhood.

Pregnancy Dos
Make sure to eat all the vitamins and minerals prescribed your doctor, everyday. Iron is important during your pregnancy but sometimes you don't get the necessary amount you need from the foods you eat, so consult your doctor if you should be taking a daily multivitamin or a prenatal vitamin. Also find out how to get your your daily dose of folic acid and other medicines from your doctor.

Eating a healthy diet is so much important. Include a diet of fruits and vegetables with your daily meals. calcium-rich foods (such as non-fat or low-fat yogurt, milk, and broccoli) should be also eaten by you because not only you, but your baby needs it for strong bones and teeth. Avoid eating fatty foods. Choose leaner foods instead such as skim milk, chicken and turkey without the skin, and fish

Focus on your weight gain too. Try to gain a healthy weight, not an excessive weight gain. If you are underweight ask your doctor how much should weight you should gain. If you are overweight do not diet by any chance, just avoid consuming fatty foods!

Try to sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours a night. Sleep deprivation is common for a pregnant women due to the aches, nausea feeling and frequent bathroom visits. Avoid long naps in the afternoons and eat large meals at least three hours before getting into bed. Sleep on your side and use pillows between your legs and under your belly to help you get comfortable.

Take time out to d-stress. Do things that please you and avoid those that give you stress. Your family will surely co-operate with you as they know what you are going through during the pregnancy.

Exercising, swimming, walking are some regular activities important for fitness. low-impact exercises are fine for pregnant women but check up with your doctor before you begin any activity.

Wear your seat-belt correctly. Seat belts used correctly protect you and your unborn baby during a crash.The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends that pregnant women use seat belts that have a lap belt and a shoulder strap (3-point restraint). Seat belt straps should never go across your belly. The lap strap should go under the belly, across the hips. The shoulder strap should go off to the side of your belly and between your breasts. If you are not driving, the back seat is the safest place to sit.

Pregnancy Don'ts
Don't eat fish with lots of mercury.

Don't use chemical products including herbicides, pesticides, paint, stains etc as these can be harmful to your baby.

Don't clean or change a cat's litter box. This could put you at risk for an infection called toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is caused by a parasite that cats can carry in their feces and can harm a fetus.

Don't take very hot baths as high temperatures can be harmful to the fetus, or cause you to faint.

Don't smoke tobacco. If you do, quitting is hard, but you can do it. Smoking during pregnancy passes nicotine and cancer-causing drugs to your baby. Smoke also keeps your baby from getting needed nourishment and raises the risk of stillbirth and premature birth (a small baby born too early).

Don't use drugs and drink alcohol, even if you are addicted to it. you know why? its harmful! You love your tiny baby inside your womb and will do anything to keep your baby's growth healthy and safe. All the best for your delivery!

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Craft ideas for kids

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Aren't these daffodils pretty? Welcome spring (or St David's Day) with this pretty bunch of handmade daffodils - an easy craft for kids of all ages.

You will need:

Egg box
Orange paint
Yellow card
Green drinking straws
Sticky tape


Paint the bottom of an egg box orange. Leave to dry.

Cut out 6 flower shapes from yellow card.

Cut the egg box into the individual compartments, gluing them to the centre of the flower shapes as the trumpet.

Tape a green straw to the back of each daffodil.

Tub Bathing new born baby

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Being a new parent, its so exciting especially when its time to start bathing baby. Sometimes theres confusion from where to begin and how to get things prepared. Its your first time and you could be slighty nervous but you don't need to worry, come ill guide you!

Handling a soapy and slippery baby can be a task at times, but just hold on tightly and firmly and as you keep talking and maintaining eye contact with baby, soon bathing time will be enjoyable for you and your baby. This is wonderful time for bonding with your baby, playing with the baby and of course hygiene.. as the touch of your hand and your so familiar voice will help baby get reassurance that baby is connected with you.

You don't need to give new Born's a bath daily unless you want to do it for the pleasure and to spend time with him.. except when you may want to wash off the dirty mucky areas so baby can stay clean. Summer months are hot and humidity levels are high, so bathing in lukewarm water may help cool him down and relieve him from the sweaty atmosphere.Avoid the use cold of water and use lukewarm water instead to bathe your baby, even in summer.

DONT use soaps meant for adults, but only mild baby soaps, as the harsh soaps could damage the tender skin of baby.The same goes for shampoos.. If you have no idea, consult your doctor or elders for advice.

Tub bathing and a proper bath
Before you start bathing baby in tub, get all the necessary accessories that you need like a tub, water(warm and cold to adjust), a small soft baby towel, baby soap, baby shampoo, a baby comb, cotton wool, baby powder or lotion, a fresh set of diapers and clothes. Make sure that the room is warm, put off all sorts of noises, music and your cell phone. There should be no disturbance while bathing baby, not even the door bell.

How to give baby a bath
First thing you do is to Wash your hands. Gather all the necessary bath accessories near you, but away from baby's reach.

The bath water should be comfortably warm(not hot). Adjust with cool water if you need to.

For newborns, fill the bath tub with about five inches of water, or enough to allow your baby to settle in the water with his shoulders well covered.

Undress baby near the bath area and slip his feet into the water first, using one hand to support his neck and head.

As you soap baby, use the same hand or a wash cloth or sponge to wash of the areas with water. Wash his scalp with a wet, soapy cloth. You can use moistened cotton wool to clean off the dried mucus in the corners of your baby's nostrils or eyes, dab it several times with a small section to soften it before you wipe it out.

Now rinse your baby thoroughly with a clean wash cloth or use your cupped hand to pour water on his body, only from below the neck. Use a wet cloth to wash baby's face but don't pour water directly.

After you have cleaned and washing him thoroughly, lift him out of the bath gently but firmly with one hand supporting his neck and head. Use the other hand to support his bottom.

Wrap your baby in a towel and pat him dry and then apply a mild moisturising lotion baby's dry skin areas(only if you need to). Check with your doctor before using any lotions.

Dab on some talcum powder on baby's body but make sure the areas are towel dried well. Gently dab near his face to avoid the powder from getting into contact with his mouth and eyes.

After you have powdered baby, dress him immediately into his diapers and clothes. Then cuddle him gently in your arms and talk and sing to him while you give him a feed and your baby will fall off to a sound slumber. Lay him down in a safe and warm place.

Early symptoms of prengancy and understanding them.

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Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy.A missed menstrual cycle is one of the symptoms most of us have an idea about.. you got to understand the importance of each symptom as each one is somewhat related to the other. Some women experience signs or symptoms of pregnancy within a week of conception.. some dont even have an idea they've already concieved because pregnancy symptoms may develop over a few week for some women and in some, symptoms not be present at all.Ive put together some of the most common pregnancy signs/symptoms. Before that, if you have been sexually active and experiencing any of the following symptoms it is important to take a pregnancy test.. and dont panic for nothing:)

This type of bleeding can be one of the earliest pregnancy symptoms.. This is because about six to 12 days, the process of the embryo implanting itself into the uterine wall begins and causes a little spotting in some wommen while some experince bleeding.

Delay/difference in your mensturation cycle:
The most common pregnancy symptom is a delayed or missed menstruation which leads a woman to an immediate test for pregnancy and if you are confirmed pregnant, then you will miss your next mensturation for sure.sometimes women bleed while they are pregnant, but this kind of bleeding will be shorter or lighter than a normal period but you must always check up with your doctor.

Swollen/Tender Breasts:
One to two weeks after conception, the swelling and tenderness of breasts is another common symptom.These symptoms are normal and are caused due to hormonal changes in the body.

This is one of the earliest pregnancy symptom which can also start as early as the first week after conception.

Nausea/Morning Sickness:
This is commeon pregnancy symptom which shows up 2-3 weeks since conception in some women and will feel nauseous throughout most of their pregnancy, while others are fortunate enough to miss out on this symptom from beginning right till the end of their pregnancy.

Lower backaches are another commeon symptom that occurs early in pregnancy and can increase with the pregnancy and this is because the back curves more to balance the increasing weight of the uterus.

The sudden rise of hormones along with an increase in the blood volume circulating throughout your body can cause you to have headaches early in pregnancy.

Frequent Urination:
The need to urinate frequently arises two to three weeks from conception due to the pressure on your bladder from your growing uterus.

Darkening of Areolas:
If you are pregnant, the skin around your nipples may get darker and is just another normal symptom, you dont have to worry about.

Food Cravings:
A strong desire to feast on foods you dont even smell in normal times, tends to overpower you. This could be due to the extreme hormonal changes in a body during pregnancy that can have a powerful impact on taste and smell.